Ball Animation

  • Category: 3D Animation
  • Client: University Project
  • Project date: May, 2023
  • Description : This is a part of a project made for an assignment for RMIT University (Bachelor of Digital Media). The brief is to create a 'reveal' animation. I decided to create an animation that reveals the shining ball after its long journey of reaching to the top. The concept of my work is chasing dream or ambition. In summary, the animation is about a ball tries to roll around and reach the other ball that is placed on a high pillar upon the endless sky. This symbolises a process of a person trying to achieve their goals and ambition. I use transition between light and dark to show the change in the emotion of the ball. The darkness represents its jealousy and strong determination of getting on top. While the light represents hope and admiration. The POV of the ball is always ant eye view to enhance its position which is lower. So to reach the higher ball, it requires great sacrifice by the ball having to jump and fall down to the endless sky. After accomplishing the challenge, the ball finally stands closer to its goal. It passes through the mirror, which represents the challege of surpassing itself. It then gazes upon the higher ball after getting through the challenge. However, the higher ball starts cracking and explodes. The ending can be understood as the ball has achieved its dream and so the higher ball that it longs wanted has no longer existed and so it disappeared.